Hank’s 1st Birthday!

Hank's "First Birthday Party" at Chrissy Beach.

Hank’s “First Birthday Party” at Chrissy Beach.

On Monday, January 20th, Hank turned 1 year old. It’s been such a lovely adventure to have Hank in our family.

I remember when Hank was 16 weeks and just beginning to go outside. Someone at the dog park struck up a conversation about our cute puppy, and asked how old he was.
“Oh man, don’t worry, it gets easier,” he responded.
I laughed, “it gets easier? It hasn’t been difficult at all. He’s been great.”
I could tell by the look on his face that he did not share my blissful puppy experience, as I watched his 6 month old puppy romp and play.

This conversation repeated itself at least twice more, once when Hank was almost 6 months, and once more recently, as Hank approached one. Each person was trying to reassure me that the future (“just wait ’til he’s one”, “it gets better after they’re two”) had something better to offer, and in each moment I couldn’t help but think I am perfectly happy with my puppy at his exact age, in these current moments.

Each phase of Hank’s life and development has brought about a different focus and exploration, learning, and establishing guidelines and expectations. After a year, I can look back and honestly say, none were “greater” than the others.

We’re quite enjoying the one we’re in now, and I am confident we’ll continue to feel that way tomorrow, and the next day…


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