Thank You


Our Wedding Thank you:
It means the world to us that you are here tonight.
Thank you for the many years of support, encouragement, adventure, antics, laughter, and love, despite our imperfections. You have helped shaped our lives and our character, as individuals, and a couple.
You are our teachers, sounding boards, shining examples, partners in crime, guides, and most favorite people in the world. Without you, we wouldn’t be who we are, and we wouldn’t be here together, and for that we are grateful eternally.
You are the people we will turn to when we want to celebrate a win, grieve a loss, or work through a tough time. You have, and will, play a critical role in our lives, and in our marriage, and we want to thank you (in advance), and celebrate you.
We’re so grateful to be celebrating with you tonight, and for years to come.
All our love, Brooke & Will

An Official Officiant

Before ever getting engaged Will and I discussed what we thought would be the most difficult part of getting married (to be noted is different than being married), and we both agreed: choosing an officiant.

With neither of us having strong religious ties to a house of worship, nor any family friends who were judges or a justice of the peace, or something similar, we were left with a selection pool that included anyone and everyone we’d ever known, and also, hiring someone we’d never met.

We quickly agreed we wanted someone we knew, we didn’t want to hire someone who didn’t mean anything to us, and who we’d have to spend time getting to know during the busy time before the wedding.

We also wanted someone who knows both of us. Since Will and I met as adults, while both living in a city we weren’t raised in, there is a limited number of people who have spent a significant amount of time around both of us (excluding immediate family members).

Maybe it seems odd, but we wanted someone who was married, and could speak to the blessings and work involved with being married to someone you love and care about. Someone who’s marriage we admired, and who could guide us as we began this new chapter together.

Finally, we knew we wanted someone who was going to be comfortable, and hopefully make us laugh. On a day where there is plenty of stress available if you look for it, and when tears spontaneously erupt for any reason imaginable, it became glaringly important to us to have someone standing up with us, in front of all those people, on this very important day, who was going to be comfortable, and help make us feel comfortable, who could speak in front of a large group, and help us get through our vows, and who could lighten the mood if, by chance, the waterworks should kick in.

After all these “requirements” we were left with a short list, of two.

We recently sent Will’s Uncle Bill a postcard (front pictured above), asking if he’d be so kind as to pronounce us husband & wife, and he agreed.

We’re so happy he’s willing to take on this task, and be so generous with his time, we are so looking forward to having him officiate our wedding.

Thanks Billy!

Hank’s 1st Birthday!

Hank's "First Birthday Party" at Chrissy Beach.

Hank’s “First Birthday Party” at Chrissy Beach.

On Monday, January 20th, Hank turned 1 year old. It’s been such a lovely adventure to have Hank in our family.

I remember when Hank was 16 weeks and just beginning to go outside. Someone at the dog park struck up a conversation about our cute puppy, and asked how old he was.
“Oh man, don’t worry, it gets easier,” he responded.
I laughed, “it gets easier? It hasn’t been difficult at all. He’s been great.”
I could tell by the look on his face that he did not share my blissful puppy experience, as I watched his 6 month old puppy romp and play.

This conversation repeated itself at least twice more, once when Hank was almost 6 months, and once more recently, as Hank approached one. Each person was trying to reassure me that the future (“just wait ’til he’s one”, “it gets better after they’re two”) had something better to offer, and in each moment I couldn’t help but think I am perfectly happy with my puppy at his exact age, in these current moments.

Each phase of Hank’s life and development has brought about a different focus and exploration, learning, and establishing guidelines and expectations. After a year, I can look back and honestly say, none were “greater” than the others.

We’re quite enjoying the one we’re in now, and I am confident we’ll continue to feel that way tomorrow, and the next day…


Wedding Planning…

warm love

warm love

After months of venue shopping (web research, phone calls, emails, driving, tours), Will and I are entering into contract with a beautiful ranch in Capay Valley where we hope to exchange vows with our family and friends.

There will be more wedding info here as things progress.
Thanks for all the love & support.